Category: Uncategorized

  • Review of NRSNG Academy’s NCLEX review

    Too many options to choose from! It can be mind boggling sometimes… Finding the right guide for your exam preparation is a must, such that you get a good start to your career. You must understand the demands of the exam and your needs first before you make a choice. So, here we will yet…

  • NCLEX RN Mastery: A detailed review

    Being a nursing student is tough! Every day at the nursing school brings up new challenges, and you have new experiences  to gather and new lessons to learn. Some experiences are intimidating while others can be gratifying. And the challenge is to learn your lessons, your nursing content while facing this every day battle. The…

  • NCLEX PN Mastery: A detailed review

    There are a number of things that can make you frustrated with your NCLEX-PN exam. One of these is the very difficult questions. To make things worse, you need to answer them in thirty seconds or less! Now add the pressure of having to remember all the things you’ve learned in nursing school. A great NCLEX…

  • Excell Nursing Review: Should I go in for it?

    NCLEX reviews are a must have requirement if you want to become a registered nurse. This is an exam that will give verdict to your nursing career. Thus, you need to pass this test. There are numerous study review providers for NCLEX-RN as well as PN.  There are several kinds of review courses available online…

  • Review of Rachell Allen NCLEX review

    There are several kinds of review courses available online and choosing the right one is a formidable feat in itself. For some, too much reading materials for the NCLEX would just tend to clutter the mind and do more harm than good. For others, the more information they could get their hands on, the better.…

  • How to prepare for the NCLEX?

    You are getting ready to take the NCLEX test and you are not sure if you are prepared enough.  Test taking is an arduous process and some people are intimidated by the entire process so much that it is hard for them to stay motivated to study. The right approach and good planning will really…

  • CGFNS Exam

    CGNFS stands for Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools. The CGFNS Certification Program was created with the intent to predict and evaluate the potential of foreign-educated and also forecast which nurses were likely to meet the requirements for licensure as registered nurses in the United States. This lets you know whether or not you…

  • NCLEX Lab Values!

    Knowing the normal range of ‘lab values’ is intrinsic to a nurse’s career. Health of the human body can be determined by knowing the lab values which measure certain variables of the body that help to asses and determine a variety of abnormalities and diseases. Maintaining the health records of patients is an important part of…

  • NCLEX Quick Results

    ‘It is strategy, that lies at the core of winning any battle!’.………..By mastering how to take the test, you’ll improve your chances of getting high marks, minimize test taking errors and have a lifeline once the questions start to sound like gibberish. Find out what it needs to obtain flawless quick results in NCLEX! The…

  • Kaplan nursing NCLEX review – A review of Kaptest practice test

      ‘It is strategy, that lies at the core of winning any battle!’ NCLEX-RN and PN exams can be passed only with the right orientation and preparation. Of course it is a tough battle, for which you will need support and guidance. Cramming the whole nursing syllabus is of course a hefty task, but still…